CVBeats, also known as The Coventry Beat Club, has become a beacon in Coventry’s music scene, orchestrating a monthly symphony...
CVBeats, known as The Coventry Beat Club, marks its six-month anniversary on December 16th, as a cornerstone for local music...
Blessed! I am happy to announce, CVLT Cuts Vol I! This EP features six unique tracks that have been simmering in...
Welcome to the Sunday social, the new monthly show from Mr Shift, live on YouTube! This month I go over:...
CVBeats, also known as The Coventry Beat Club, has become a beacon in Coventry’s music scene, orchestrating a monthly symphony...
As the year 2023 comes to a close, Coventry’s burgeoning music collective, CVBeats, is proud to present their 2023 Annual....
Blessed! Mr. Shift here, with the latest from news and updates from the lab. In this month’s Sunday Social. There’s...
Blessed! I am happy to announce, CVLT Cuts Vol I! This EP features six unique tracks that have been simmering...
‘Memberberries’ Pop-Up Art and Music Exhibition, Sunday Social, FlipIt, and more from Mr Shift The Hot TLDR Introducing ‘Memberberries’ the...